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The Poddington Project: Christine DeWinter

A letter from Robert Browning

My dear Miss DeWinter,

My name, I trust, will not be unfamiliar to the esteemed and able poetess responsible for THE FAIRY MUSELINE; indeed, I quiver at the thought of my own paltry scribblings being found unacceptable by one whose command of the language far surpasses my humble own.

I write in the glowing memory of my late wife Elizabeth. In her final days, the tale of the tricksy fairy Museline enlivened her, gave her sustenance even as other substances could not. Again and again I was prevailed upon to read it to her, when other amusements failed. Miss DeWinter, she loved it so.

I am a solitary man now, Miss DeWinter. I have few delights. But am I to hope that more wilds tales from your pen will add to my paucity of pleasures? A poetess such as yourself, madam, is a rare thing, and the literary world--of which I flatter myself to be a part, with you as its fairy empress--is a poorer place without your declamations.

Yrs truly,
Rbt. Browning.

(Vance Briceland)